Mission Duchenne
Follow Jono as he travels into the future to learn about what will happen to him. This bright and easy-to-read comic can help young children understand Duchenne
muscular dystrophy.

Jono’s journey inside the body
Join Jono and Captain Jack as they journey inside Jono’s muscles! Another adventure comic that can help parents and carers explain to young children what happens to their bodies when they have Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Mission Duchenne the new commander
Captain Jack helps Jono become the captain of his own future. This adventure comic is aimed at older children and teenagers to help them discuss their future with
their families.

Mission Duchenne a time of change
Join Jono and Captain Jack as they take on the adventure of puberty! If you have a tween or teen, this is the comic that will help those uncomfortable conversations feel a lot less heavy.

Read all about how other children, teenagers and their families live with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Learn more

Duchenne muscular dystrophy real-life stories
A mother’s account of family life after receiving a DMD diagnosis for her son

stretching guide
Information on postural management and stretches for people with DMD

Doctor’s appointment discussion guide
A discussion guide to help prepare for your visit with the doctor

The ultimate guide to Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Everything you want to know about DMD in one place
© 2022 PTC Therapeutics.
GL-DMD-0665 I October 2022